April datang lagi. This year will mark the 3rd year of not having you
with us. You will know what need to be done when I am having such a bad day. I miss you so much.
Ni gambar-gambar yang ada dalam my simpanan masa arwah still can sit and talked to us (Cik gu Ali and Ali).
Need to still talk about Bapak, or else all memories will be gone...
To Ali, we named you after the man himself. He was quite surprised to know that Abah named you Ali, but deep inside I get the feelings that he kind of like the idea of having an Ali Jr.
With that, Ibu hope you'll grow up to be the man like my Bapak used to be.

Bapak kissing Ali.

He likes to use selimut eventhough it's noon...
Ali malu-malu degna bapak masa nak ambil gambar...
This was actually his last year of hari raya way back in 2008. Tak menyesal balik that year...
Thanks Bapak for all the love you shown to us. Al-fatihah.