Dear Z,
Sorry to hear that you lost your car. Must be very hard since you were actually at a medical center since your daughter was hospitalized when the incident happen! sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga, but alhamdulillah, no one is hurt. Maybe there is something ahead that Allah plan for you in the future (dapat kereta baru:-)) Banyak bersabar yer...
How to Avoid Car Theft:
Step 1
Park your car in an area that is well-lit and near lots of people.
Step 2
Keep the windows rolled up and the car locked, even if it's parked at your own house.
Step 3
Keep valuables in your car hidden. Consider buying a removable stereo face to keep in your trunk or carry with you.
Step 4
Consider buying a visible mechanical locking device to lock the steering wheel, and/or an auto theft alarm system.
Step 5
Install locking lug nuts to prevent your custom wheels or externally mounted spare tire from being stolen.
Step 6
Keep in mind when purchasing a new car that some makes and models have a higher incidence of theft than others.
Step 7
Keep your car registration and insurance card with you instead of in the glove compartment so that thieves cannot produce these documents if stopped by police.
Step 8
Disconnect either the battery or the coil wire from the distributor cap if you have to leave your car unattended for an extended period of time. Car thieves will often not have the time or the desire to diagnose why the car won't start.
Step 9
Take your ignition keys to a locksmith or car dealer to remove the key number, which thieves can use to have the keys duplicated (jot down the number for your records first).
Step 10
Etch the vehicle identification number (VIN) onto the doors and fenders of your car with an electric engraver for extra protection. This helps to discourage professional car thieves, who will have to remove the markings to resell the car.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Lesson 10: Asam Pedas/ Gulai Johor
Dear anak-anak,
I have a confession. I never cook asam pedas until I married your father. Orang Kedah mana ada masak asam pedas! Our staple is Gulai (or Kari as your dad put it). So, one day (during our early married life) when abah asked me to cook gulai, ibu cooked the famous gulai ikan kedah which is the kari ikan! It took me a couple of years to actually understand when he asked me to cook gulai or when to have curry.
There's also a big difference between asam pedas Melaka and Johor. Ibu found out that the Melaka version is quite hot and spicy to my taste. The one that I learnt from your Atok Komah is a little lighter and less spicy, which arwah always requested ibu to make for him.
Anyway, let's get down to business.
Asam Pedas Ikan Merah
1 kilo Ikan Merah
25 tangkai cili kering (gunting, rendam dan toskan) atau 1 pack kecil chili boh
7 ulas bawang merah
5 ulas bawang putih
1 inci kunyit
1 inci halia
Sebesar saiz ibu jari belacan
1 batang serai (dititik)
50gm daun kesum
Sekuntum bunga kantan (dibelah 5)
Air asam jawa (50gm asam jawa + secawan air)
3 cawan air
Kacang bendi
Garam secukup rasa
Minyak untuk menumis
Garam secukup rasa
Minyak untuk menumis
1. Kisar cili kering + bawang merah + bawang putih + kunyit + halia + belacan
2. Panaskan minyak. Tumis bahan-bahan yang dikisar bersama serai sehingga garing
3. Masukkan ikan + bunga kantan + daun kesum. Gaul sebati dan tutup kuali sehingga ikan agak mengecut
4. Masukkan air asam jawa dan gaul sebati
5. Masukkan kacang bendi
6. Masukkan pula garam. Gaul sebati
7. Tambahkan air.
2. Panaskan minyak. Tumis bahan-bahan yang dikisar bersama serai sehingga garing
3. Masukkan ikan + bunga kantan + daun kesum. Gaul sebati dan tutup kuali sehingga ikan agak mengecut
4. Masukkan air asam jawa dan gaul sebati
5. Masukkan kacang bendi
6. Masukkan pula garam. Gaul sebati
7. Tambahkan air.
8. Masukkan tomato.
9. Akhir sekali, tutup kuali dan tunggu sehingga ikan empuk serta mendapat kepekatan kuah asam pedas yang ideal.
9. Akhir sekali, tutup kuali dan tunggu sehingga ikan empuk serta mendapat kepekatan kuah asam pedas yang ideal.
p/s: Boleh ganti dengan ayam or daging. Abah suka letak kobis asin, which I don't like very much.
I miss you, Bapak!

It has been more than 5 weeks now. I miss you teribbly.
Semalam was Sunday, and I definitely miss your early morning calls to wake us up for the Subuh.
I miss your calls asking me what's cooking for the anak-anak.
I definily miss your voice asking me to take care of my health.
Come Monday, I miss your early calls asking me my schedule of the week.
Ya Allah,
permudahkanlah perjalanan Bapak di Alam Barzakh,
lapangkanlah kubur Bapak,
teranglah kubur Bapak.
Amin, amin Ya rabbal alamin.
Monday, May 11, 2009
My Alma Mater #1
The University of Bridgeport is located fifty-five miles from New York City in Fairfield County, Connecticut. Bridgeport, Connecticut's largest city, borders the 50-acre campus to the north; Seaside Park and Long Island Sound, with some of the finest sandy beaches between New York and Cape Cod, mark the southern boundary. The unique location of the campus offers a variety of advantages to the University community. The Sound and the Park are settings for studies in marine biology and for the enjoyment of sun and recreation. The city and county provide opportunites for becoming involved in work-study programs with schools, government and some of the country's largest corporations.
These are the main landmarks of UB... the Arch going to Long Island Sound Park and the Clock at the main road going to the library.
I dreamt of Bridgeport last night. Why?
Maybe because it has been 20 years since I last set foot on her ground (came back to M'sia in 1989 after a 4-year stint as a JPA scholar in UB). I remembered all those crazy things that I ventured out with my friends (ni tak ada kes ganja or anything yg memudaratkan ye!). I learnt to be independent and loving every minute of it, not too mention the home sickness that I felt for my family ( I left behind all my adik2... sedih tau!).
These were the years that I learnt to enjoy cooking. I brought along my recipe book that I prepared from secondary school (log book). Masa tu mana ada internet. Recipe books are so expensive. I cut out recipes from magazines, newspaper or the old fashioned way - write up the recipes! Alhamdulillah, books in States are cheap. Dapatlah beli recipe books overthere.
The grocery shopping are one of the best activities. You can do it anytime you like as the big supermaket are open 24/7. We shopped for almost all things except for the meat & chicken. I remembered the calls to a fellow M'sian (kalau tak silap nama dia abang Suffian) to place orders for the halal meat & chicken. Alhamdulillah, sepanjang my stay in US I managed to 'jaga makan'. No non-halal meat for me. True, I ate out a lot, but I'll stick to vegetarian or sea food as much as possible. For example, going to McD, we'll pick Fillet O' Fish. Yes.. I never tasted the burgers there. I am proud of my accomplishment!
So, guys... I'll share with you my life in US as we go thru. Today, I'll just post you the photo of the campus. Enjoy...
Some write-ups on UB.....
P/S: The campus aerial view. Cantik kan? That's Long Island Sound. You can see Long Island, NY on a clear day. In summer, there is boat( cruise ship more likely) from Ct to NY. I think, I did took the ride.
P/S: Masa Senior year ibu selalu pi NYC (almost every other week). The best city on earth!
These are the main landmarks of UB... the Arch going to Long Island Sound Park and the Clock at the main road going to the library.
I miss being 20 again!
What Makes A Strong Leader? The Power of the 99 Names
I stumbled upon this article in one of the blogs that I frequent. I love the simplicity of the article. It is full of insights that I believe very useful to you too. One of these days, I hope you will become a leader in your area of choice, and insyaAllah you should demonstrate all these qualities.
From my experience there are not many leaders, only bosses, that constantly have all these qualities. In fact the opposites are more obvious. Maybe the inferiority feelings that one have that overule the true color of a leader. It's so frustrating that at times you feel that no one really cares, appreciate and value your capabilities.
Anyway, my doa that anak-anak ibu will not turn out to be tyrants, nauzubillah.
Love you always,
What Makes A Strong Leader? The Power of the 99 Names
By Abdul Aziz Said Mohammed Said Farsi
Chair of Islamic Peace Director of the AU Center for Global Peace.
What makes a leader?
People say they want strong leaders. But what qualities make a strong leader who is truly good and beneficial for a community?
From a traditional Islamic and Arab perspective, being a good leader meant following true guidance and developing noble traits in the self through the emulation of divine qualities.
When the divine qualities, Asma’ Allah al-Husna (the 99 Beautiful Names of God) were invoked in the name of a person, that person was often called the servant of the quality: hence the name Abd ul-Rahman (Servant of the Compassionate) and not just Rahman. A person who excelled in the service of a divine quality was a true leader of the people.
How do we begin? Contemplation of divine qualities as expressed in the Asma’ Allah al-Husna provides a template and a model for reflection both for personal training and for the effort to actualize the highest values of the community. Where these are present, the essential prerequisites emerge to inspire the confidence, support, and cooperation of a community that rewards leadership with the dynamism and unity needed to envision and achieve a collective destiny.
Leadership is Empowerment
Being a leader involves being a representative both of leadership qualities and of people. A leader models leadership qualities by speaking and acting respectfully toward everyone. To be a true statesperson, one must also be an accomplished facilitator. The leader as facilitator is a compelling example of the quality of al-Malik, the Possessor of Power or Sovereignty. Politics and leadership always involve power, but power for what purpose? A leader, in the fullest spirit of generosity (emulating al-Wahhab, the Bestower, al-Razzaq, the Provider, and al-Muqit, the Maintainer), is one who owns power in order to empower others. This power manifests al-Qadir, the All-Powerful.
Yet, what actions are connected to such power? Moral leadership is the ability to inspire or awaken (al-Khabir, the One Who is Aware) people to their innate potential. A leader provokes people to act, and act toward proper ends, that are ultimately for the good of the whole community. With the responsibility of empowerment, he or she awakens and encourages people, both men and women, to fully participate in society at all levels (social, moral, economic, and political) and to form and develop their own accounts of social reality. In doing so, a leader then becomes a witness (al-Shahid, the One who bears witness) to the societal processes through diligent observation of his/her own actions and environment (al-Raqib, the Ever-Watchful, al- Hasib, the One who takes into Account, al-Muhsi, the Accountant).
Clearly, a greater leader needs to be an effective politician (a good strategist and tactician), but this needs to be in service of moral statesmanship, not personal and momentary advantage (al-Ghani, The Rich, for he or she has no desire, and al-Mughni, One who does not need). A variety of characteristics describe such a moral stature (al-Majid, Nobility, al-Jalil, Majesty, al-Azim, Dignity or Excellence).
When wisdom for the need of the community calls on tough and forceful action, the leader must be tough and forceful (al-Aziz, Mighty, al-Jabbar, the Repairer, al-Qawi, the Strong, al-Matin, the Firm in Resolve).
Leadership requires more than the elites merely adopting a mood of optimism or generating fear of the future. Leadership requires action and intention. In order to balance the siffat al-jalaliyyah, qualities of Majesty, a leader also needs to develop siffat aljamaliyyah, the qualities of beauty.
History shows us that the loyalty inspired by leaders who demonstrate mercy and compassion are profound. Other qualities linked to rahma are al-Latif (the Gentle), al-Halim (the Clement), al-Karim (the Generous), al-Wadud (the Loving), al-Ra’uf (the Kind). Empathetic consciousness enables a good leader to forgive and spread the habit of forgiveness to others (al-Ghaffar, the Forgiver, al-Ghafur, the All-Forgiving, al-‘Afu, the Pardoner).
Guardian of the Public Interest
A greater leader becomes a guardian of the public’s interests (al-Mumin, the Guardian of Faith). He or she protects (al-Muhaymin, the Protector, and al-Wakil, the Solver of Problems, and al-Hafez, the Preserver). As spokesperson, he or she embodies visionary leadership and seeks to represent all of the people. The subtle relationship between power and influence, between executive image and agenda setting is constant and dynamic.
To effectively lead, it is a necessity that a leader inspires mutual trust, and this requires the ability to be a good communicator: the leader’s view must be all encompassing (al-Wasi, the All-Embracing, and al-Basit, the Expander). This means that leaders must be very good listeners (al-Sami’, the All-Hearing) and fine observers (al-Basir, the All-Seeing). To hold vision is to be a mapmaker: to see that all of the old maps are out of date, and that we do not yet have new, good and reliable maps. In order to invent our own maps, with all the skills that doing so accurately and compassionately require, leaders need both humility and dignity (which may be linked to al-Shakur, the Thankful, and al-Hamid, the Praiseworthy).
Leadership demands vision. Why vision? Vision avoids drift and selfcenteredness, it mobilizes the energy and imagination of the people, and it widens and deepens the sense of mutual responsibility while articulating what is possible and demanding discipline, sacrifice, and the capacity to dream.
Leaders need vision that has faith (al-Mu’min, the Faithful) and wisdom (al-Alim, the All-Knowing). Like power, leaders do not need wisdom for themselves alone, for they possess the courage and strength to be able to share it. One cannot be an effective representative without finding and facilitating creative ways to prioritize and balance all the interests of the people and groups in a fair and inclusive way on the basis of wisdom (al-Hakim, the All-Wise), which is both principled and practical, far seeing and yet focused on meeting the issues of the moment in a fair (and just) and balanced (in al-Hakam, the Judge, wisdom is connected to the sense of having good judgment). A successful nation needs a broad public dialogue, with a great variety of suggestions and opinions, and not only consultation. “Justice” (al-‘Adl) itself is a dynamic and not merely static or purely legal concept. Justice is embodied in the “rolling consensus” of people for more democracy, more equality, more opportunity, and pride in one’s community and tradition, above all perhaps – for more of a sense of community.
From Leadership By Force To Leadership By Consensus and Cooperation
Building a system of good governance must begin with good leadership – from the outset this means that the character and education of leadership is crucial.
Through working such qualities as al-Hadi, the Guide, al-Rashid, the Guide to the Right Path, and al-Warith, the Inheritor, a greater leader seeks to fulfill the sacred trust to inspire and empower the whole community. This trust is essential for health, vibrancy and the long-term sustainability of an untied and prospering community.
True leaders are consensus builders (al-Muqaddim, the Expediter). They work to build mutual trust and agreement on principles of fairness among their people, as a basis for cooperative efforts in which all have some expectation of shared benefit (al-Barr, the Source of All Goodness). Since no one party can force any of the others to cooperate, and since each one has a selfish temptation not to cooperate, each must trust the others not to take advantage of both the opportunity and the temptation to cheat.
Cooperation requires, then, mutual expectation of a willingness to sacrifice short-term self-interests for the common good (al-Jame’, the Gatherer).
While having shared objectives that benefit all is a necessary precondition for cooperation, it is not sufficient. There is a crucial role for leadership at each stage in the confidence-building and community-building process (al-Salaam, The Source of Peace): forming common goals, establishing mechanisms for cooperation, ensuring that efforts will be coordinated, determining the fair allocation of benefits and burdens, and identifying the roles and responsibilities of the various actors in the cooperative enterprise. Leadership is needed to promote solidarity without which the highest values of the community do not manifest and underlying norms of fairness and reciprocity cannot be effective. When cooperation is achieved, however, a greater leader will be known as a good friend (al-Wali, the Protecting Friend).
A greater leader who embodies the qualities represented by the Asma’ Allah al- Husna is a democratic leader, in the true sense of democracy as a form of collaborative and participatory communal governance. Just as positive character cannot be imposed but must rather be consciously cultivated, so it is with democracy.
Democracy cannot be successfully implanted from the outside. It is an indigenous and delicate flower that only flourishes when deeply rooted in the dreams and hopes of the great majority of a nation.
Democratic behavior is a learned behavior, and democracy is only learned by practice.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Tazkirah for the Parents: Kelebihan Memiliki Anak Perempuan
Kelebihan Memiliki Anak Perempuan

Masih ingat lagi tentang masyarakat Jahiliyah yang kita belajar satu ketika dahulu? Dalam masyarakat Jahiliyah, memperoleh anak perempuan merupakan satu musibah kepada keluarga tersebut. Apa tidaknya, pada waktu itu anak perempuan dianggap hanya mendatangkan sial dan memalukan keluarga. Lantaran itu, ramai ibu bapa yang merasa terhina dengan anugerah ini, bahkan sehingga ada yang sanggup membunuh dan menanam hidup-hidup demi menjaga maruah keluarga.Malangnya, pemikiran orang-orang zaman sekarang pun masih sama seperti mereka di zaman Jahiliyah dahulu. Pernah saya mendengar perbualan seorang bapa bertanyakan jantina bayi yang baru dilahirkan oleh isterinya di wad bersalin. Setelah dimaklumkan nurse bertugas yang si bapa dikurniakan bayi perempuan, saya terdengar nada suaranya sedikit mengeluh, "Oh.. perempuan lagi..." Saya yang mendengar, sedikit terkilan, seolah-olah si bapa kecewa dengan anugerah Allah SWT.Saya juga pernah menonton video kelahiran seorang bayi perempuan yang rupa parasnya menyerupai ular. Kononnya ibu yang melahirkan bayi tersebut amat-amat berkehendakkan bayi lelaki kerana telah memiliki 2-3 orang anak perempuan sebelum kelahiran anak yang ini. Semasa membuat pemeriksaan kandungan, doktor telah memaklumkan yang si ibu mengandungkan bayi perempuan dan berita itu sangat mengecewakannya. Bila rakan-rakan bertanya jantina bayi yang dikandung, si ibu terus menjawab yang dia sedang mengandungkan anak ular. Subhanallah! Bila tiba saat kelahiran, memang si ibu telah melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan yang menyerupai ular. Saya kurrang pasti kesahihan berita ini, tetapi menurut video yang ditonton, peristiwa ini terjadi di negara Timur Tengah.Pada zaman ini, menjaga anak perempuan terutamanya pada peringkat usia remaja merupakan satu cabaran yang besar buat ibu bapa. Banyak gejala negatif yang melanda kehidupan anak gadis masa kini, menjadikan kita semakin bimbang dengan keselamatan diri mereka. Apakah benar kehadiran dan kurniaan ini menjadi bebanan pada ibu bapa? Atau cabaran kepada ibu dan bapanya?Satu ketika dahulu, kita sukar melihat anak-anak gadis berjalan-jalan di pekan kecil atau pun di kota besar. Saya masih ingat, ayah sering menemani ke mana saja saya pergi, boleh dikatakan ayahlah 'body guard' dan ayah jugalah 'chauffeur' ke mana saja saya pergi. Memang agak sukar kita terserempak remaja perempuan berpimpinan tangan di bandar-bandar, di pusat membeli belah atau di mana sahaja. Kini, yang bertudung tanpa segan silu mempersendakan tuntutan agama sekali gus mempersendakan perintah Allah Taala. Yang tidaak bertudung pula, sama sahaja… tiada yang kurang dan tiada yang lebih. Berani lakukan apa sahaja demi mengikut jiwa remajanya.Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda yang bermaksud, "Sesiapa yang memiliki tiga anak perempuan, lalu dia bersabar dengan kerenah, kesusahan dan kesenangan mereka, nescaya Allah SWT akan memasukkannya ke dalam syurga dengan kelebihan rahmat-NYA untuk mereka."Seorang lelaki bertanya, "Juga untuk dua anak perempuan wahai Rasulullah?"Sabda baginda, "Juga untuk dua anak perempuan."Seorang lelaki berkata, "atau untuk seorang wahai Rasulullah?"Rasulullah SAW menjawab, "Juga untuk seorang." (Hadis Riwayat Ahmad dan Al-Hakim)Namun, riwayat ini diperluaskan juga kepada seseorang yang memelihara saudara perempuan. Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud, "Tidak ada bagi sesiapa tiga orang anak perempuan ataupun tiga orang saudara perempuan, lalu dia berbuat baik kepada mereka, melainkan Allah Taala akan memasukkan mereka ke syurga." (Hadis Riwayat Al-Bukhari)Daripada Aisyah r.a., dari Rasulullah SAW baginda telah bersabda yang maksudnya, "Sesiapa yang diberati menanggung sesuatu urusan menjaga dan memelihara anak-anak perempuan, lalu ia menjaga dan memeliharanya dengan baik, nescaya mereka menjadi pelindung baginya daripada api neraka." (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari, Muslim dan Tirmidzi)Sesungguhnya perempuan atau wanita adalah makhluk Allah yang amat istimewa. Kemuliaan dan keruntuhan sesuatu bangsa terletak di tangan mereka. Daripada hadis-hadis di atas, dapat kita pelajari bahawa kedua ibu bapa wajib memberi perhatian terhadap anak-anak perempuan lantaran anak-anak perempuan merupakan aset penting yang menentukan sama ada ibu bapa mereka layak memasuki syurga atau terhumban ke dalam neraka disebabkan oleh mereka.Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda dalam hadis baginda yang bermaksud, "Takutlah kamu kepada Allah SWT dalam perkara-perkara yang berhubung dengan kaum wanita." Ini bermaksud bahawa setiap ibu bapa dan yang bergelar suami hendaklah sentiasa mengawasi anak-anak perempuan dan isteri mereka agar sentiasa berpegang teguh dengan agama dan mematuhi perintah Allah SWT.Pernahkah anda mendengar, kata orang tua, ‘menjaga lembu sekandang adalah lebih mudah daripada menjaga anak perempuan seorang’? Kemungkinan ini ada benarnya apakala kita melihat ramai ibu bapa yang menjaga anak-anak mereka dengan hanya memberi tempat tinggal, makan dan minum semata-mata seperti menjaga dan memelihara binatang ternakan yang hanya bertujuan menggemukkan sahaja. Sedangkan pendidikan agama tidak diberi penekanan yang sepatutnya. Contohnya dalam perkara aurat dan pergaulan hingga akhirnya ramai perempuan atau wanita yang menjadi bahan fitnah dan terdedah dengan berbagai keburukan yang mencemarkan nama baik keluarga dan agama.Sesungguhnya anak-anak yang diajar dengan didikan agama yang baik akan memberi faedah kepada ibubapanya semasa hidup dan selepas mati bahkan secara logiknya tiada ibubapa yang inginkan anak-anak mereka menjadi beban dan membawa kecelakaan kepada mereka di dunia apalagi di akhirat kelak.Alangkah beruntungnya ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak perempuan, lalu mereka mendidik dengan penuh kesabaran dan kasih sayang. Mendidik anak perempuan sememangnya mencabar, tetapi cabaran yang besar itu jika dilakukan dengan kesungguhan serta tabah menghadapi kerenah mereka, Allah Taala dan Rasul-Nya telah menjanjikan balasan yang amat besar.Nah! Masih tidak berbangga memiliki anak-anak perempuan?
Renung-renungkan! -- - BawangGoreng -¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Firman Allah SWT :[7:179] Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk isi neraka Jahanam kebanyakan dari jin dan manusia, mereka mempunyai hati, tetapi tidak dipergunakannya untuk memahami (ayat-ayat Allah) dan mereka mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk melihat (tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah), dan mereka mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk mendengar (ayat-ayat Allah). Mereka itu sebagai binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai.¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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