The University of Bridgeport is located fifty-five miles from New York City in Fairfield County, Connecticut. Bridgeport, Connecticut's largest city, borders the 50-acre campus to the north; Seaside Park and Long Island Sound, with some of the finest sandy beaches between New York and Cape Cod, mark the southern boundary. The unique location of the campus offers a variety of advantages to the University community. The Sound and the Park are settings for studies in marine biology and for the enjoyment of sun and recreation. The city and county provide opportunites for becoming involved in work-study programs with schools, government and some of the country's largest corporations.
These are the main landmarks of UB... the Arch going to Long Island Sound Park and the Clock at the main road going to the library.
I dreamt of Bridgeport last night. Why?
Maybe because it has been 20 years since I last set foot on her ground (came back to M'sia in 1989 after a 4-year stint as a JPA scholar in UB). I remembered all those crazy things that I ventured out with my friends (ni tak ada kes ganja or anything yg memudaratkan ye!). I learnt to be independent and loving every minute of it, not too mention the home sickness that I felt for my family ( I left behind all my adik2... sedih tau!).
These were the years that I learnt to enjoy cooking. I brought along my recipe book that I prepared from secondary school (log book). Masa tu mana ada internet. Recipe books are so expensive. I cut out recipes from magazines, newspaper or the old fashioned way - write up the recipes! Alhamdulillah, books in States are cheap. Dapatlah beli recipe books overthere.
The grocery shopping are one of the best activities. You can do it anytime you like as the big supermaket are open 24/7. We shopped for almost all things except for the meat & chicken. I remembered the calls to a fellow M'sian (kalau tak silap nama dia abang Suffian) to place orders for the halal meat & chicken. Alhamdulillah, sepanjang my stay in US I managed to 'jaga makan'. No non-halal meat for me. True, I ate out a lot, but I'll stick to vegetarian or sea food as much as possible. For example, going to McD, we'll pick Fillet O' Fish. Yes.. I never tasted the burgers there. I am proud of my accomplishment!
So, guys... I'll share with you my life in US as we go thru. Today, I'll just post you the photo of the campus. Enjoy...
Some write-ups on UB.....
P/S: The campus aerial view. Cantik kan? That's Long Island Sound. You can see Long Island, NY on a clear day. In summer, there is boat( cruise ship more likely) from Ct to NY. I think, I did took the ride.
P/S: Masa Senior year ibu selalu pi NYC (almost every other week). The best city on earth!
These are the main landmarks of UB... the Arch going to Long Island Sound Park and the Clock at the main road going to the library.
I miss being 20 again!
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