Sorry for not updating in long time. Many things happen, plus can't get the connection from home! Apalah Celcom...
1. I am now back to GHR... looking after OD. The last 3 weeks marks my having to solat maghrib at the office. What have I got myself into??? Anyway, I get my reason for that move. I do not feel at home in IT. I did my part in having the RFP out and went thru the selection process, but I do not feel connected to the project. Susah nak jadi BPIM in an environment that don't really appreciate BPIM role. Anyway, thanks to Zam and Halim for making it bearable...
2. Apparently I came in to OD when we are in the process of group re-structuring! Crash course in Job Evaluation after 2 hours of report duty! I know it's difficult working for Pn Hasnah, but I just want to get myself involve in HR Strategy to ensure that I still can work anywhere after this. Teruk kan? Well... I need to chart my own course. Tak kan nak jadi Manager till I retire...
3. On top of all the hustle & bustle of my HR life, Hanim pulak hospitalized. Her platelet drop to 88 last Sunday. Get her admitted to SDMC. Left her alone yesterday since Rozita wants me to complete the GHR Org Structure and the deployment letters. Sampai office, Rozita was on MC. I was alone 'battling' Hasnah's request. I feel bad for not being there for Hanim. Kena pulak JJ pun ada presentation (in case you wonder what happen to the father). Guess Allah knows the best. Alhamdulillah, she can handle herself quite well. Then today, I decided to be at the hospital and be with her to meet the Dr. Lee. Maybe we can go home after this, depending on her blood result this morning.... not dengue, only a very bad viral infection. Alhamdulillah...
4. I might take the day off. Pergi sekolah Ali & register him for Standard 1 next year. Pergi facial? I really need it! We'll see cam na...
Ta-ta for now.
p/s: kalau bapak ada sure dia pagi-pagi akan call. Then he'll call every other hour. I miss him badly. Love you always, bapak.
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