Monday, March 23, 2009

Lesson 5: Ayat2 Al-Quran to Fight Cancer

My dear children,

Not only food, but Ibu would like to share with you guys many of the secrets from the Quran that people share with me.

To kill cancer cells:

1. Surah Al-Qalam 1-52.

2. Surah Al-Qalam 16-20 ( 7 times, repeat verse 20, 20 times)

To cure from cancer (read following sequence):

1. Al-fatihah

2. Al-Baqarah 1-5, 163-165, 255-257, 285-286

3. Ali-Imran 1-5, 18, 26-27

4. Al-A'raf 54-56, 117-119

5. Yunus 80-81

6. Thaaha 65-69

7. Mukminun 115-118

8. As-Shaaffaat 1-15

9. Ar-Rahman 31-34

10. Al-Hasyr 21-24

11. Al-Mulk 3-4

12. Al-Qalam 3-4

13. Al-Jinn 3

14. Al-Kafiruun

15. Al-Falaq

16. An-Nas

(Read 7 times onto water for shower and/or for drinking purposes)

Believe, it is He the Most Merciful, the Most Loving, for it is He who will give a cure to this disease. Insya'Allah, if it is the best fated and charted in my life.

Always read:Doa Nabi Yunus, Bismillah 5, Doa Nabi Ayub, Ayat Syifa' and istighfar, include the zikirs for chronic disease


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