Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lesson 9: Making curries


This is my first entry this week. Apologize for not keeping up with the promise. My schedule is so tight, plus my sinus is giving me problem again. I have been down with flu and fever for the last 2 months. Maybe high time for me to start re-look back at the way I am handling my everyday tasks.

Anyway, today let's get busy with curries recipes.
My earliest memory of making/learning to cook curry was when I was 12, Dec. school holiday. Atok at last asked me to prepare all the ingredients that needed for making fish curry by myself. Masa tu dah tak payah giling rempah dah since we had rempah cap tarbus (then switch to cap 'O'). Then she asked me to start tumis the curry by myself! I just followed her voice instructions and walla.... my very own cooked curry... of course Wan can distinguished that the curry was not Atok's air tangan, but he was up to it. The conclusion that I made was that it was not that difficult to make curry (maybe since I did not have to endure using the batu giling).I guess I cooked curries all my life, when I was at home(during my single years) and when I was overseas. Then when I married Abah pun he is one avid lover of curries.

So, let's share the recipes. Hanim dah pernah tengok ibu buat kari kan. Tak susah kan? Gunalah the resipi as guidelines. Lagipun, nowadays the packaging will come with the instructions to cook. The sky is the limit when it comes to improvise it to suits your taste!

Kari Ikan Kedah

Preparation and cooking time : 30 min
Serve 6 to 8
Per person : 24 g fat, 341 kcal (1426 kilojoules)


½ cup cooking oil
6 shallots, coarsely pounded
3 cloves garlic, coarsely pounded
3 sprigs curry leaves
1 tbsp mixed spices

3 tbsps curry powder
00 ml coconut milk, thin(you can omit this altogether and still taste great)
1 kg fish meat, cleaned
6 lady's fingers (okra), cut into halves
1 long brinjal (eggplant), cut into 2 cm pieces
2 tomatoes, cut ito 4 pieces
2 tbsps tamarind juice, thick
1 Ikan Bilis Stock Cube (Maggi ®)
Salt to taste

1. In a saucepan, heat oil and stir fry ingredients A until aromatic.
2. Stir in curry powder and fry until fragrant(pecah minyak).
3. If you use coconut milk, Stir it in and bring to boil. If not, simply add water and bring it to boil.
4. Add fish meat, lady's finers, brinjal,and simmer for 10 minutes.
5. Stir in tamarinf juice, Ikan bilis stock cube and salt to taste.
6. Cook over slow heat until gravy slightly thickens.

The next recipe is very much Indian influenced.

Kari Ikan Ala India


1 ekor ikan tenggiri (anggaran 700g)

2 biji terung biru

8 - 10 batang kadang bendi

2 biji tomato

1/2 cawan pati santan

2 keping asam gelugor

2 camca besar rempah kari ikan "Babas"

Garam dan gula secukup rasa

Air secukupnya

Bahan-bahan dikisar halus:-

7 ulas bawang kecil merah

3 ulas bawang putih

2 inci halia1

inci kunyit hidup

1 hirisan nipis lengkuas

1 cm belacan

4 tangkai cili merah

Bahan-bahan tumis:-

3 ulas bawang merah, dihiris halus

1 ulas bawang putih, dihirts halus

2 tangkai daun kari

1 camca teh halba campur (terdiri daripada halba, biji sawi dan jintan kasar)

Cara membuatnya:-

1- Terung dipotong dua dan dibelah 2, belah setiap bahagian tapi jgn putus, rendam dgn air garam 5 minit. Toskan. Cuci bendi dan buang hujung dan pangkalnya sedikit, cuci dan toskan. Goreng kedua2 jenis sayur dalam minyak panas selama 20 saat. Angkat, toskan minyak dan ketepikan.

2- Panaskan kurang lebih 1/2 cawan minyak dalam periuk, tumis bahan2 tumis hingga wangi. Masukkan bahan2 kisar dan rempah kari, kacau goreng hingga wangi dan terbit minyak. Gunakan api sederhana.

3- Tuang air secukupnya (anggaran 500ml), masukkan garam dan sedikit gula. Biarkan mendidih. Masukkan ikan dan asam gelugor. Biar mendidih perlahan dan tuangkan santan pekat tadi sambil dikacau perlahan. Akhir sekali masukkan tomato, bendi dan terung yang telah digoreng tadi. Biar mendidih sekejap dan boleh dihidangkan.

Ibu will share other types of curry since to cook meat and chicken curry there is a slight difference in managing the spice.

That will come next....



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