Sarah dan Hanim dengan Atok dan Wan makan2 kat Tanjung Dawai late last year.
Sarah with her beloved Tok dan Wan

Hafiz dengan Allahyarham Wan tersayang...

Ali Junior dengan Ali Senior.... tinggal kenangan...

Masa ni bapak still boleh bangun dan jalan-jalan, tapi tak boleh travel jauh-jauh.

Again, Ali is seen here with Allahyarham Wan.
These were some of the photos that Ibu managed to capture when we were back in Kedah. Wan insisted that we went to Tanjung Dawai for lunch. Little that we knew that this trip will be the last for us with him.
May Allah bless his soul and tempatkan Wan bersama-sama para mujahidin. Amin.
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