Saturday, August 29, 2009
Ramadhan Datang lagi
I am a little late in updating the blog, but what can I say. Moving to GHR is like a dream, everything is needed all at once! I am like running my a*& off to get what the bosses want. Believe it or not, I am handling the job evaluation exercise for the long overdue promotion & upgrading. The schdule with the kids were quite disrupted as compared to the time when I was in GICT.
Anyway, Ali managed to fast from day 1. He missed the 2nd day, but so far he is OK. He is also officially 6 on the 25th August. We took him to Baskin Robbins to celebrate. How times fly!!
Other than that, I did not managed to cook that much this year. Dah 3 kali clock out from ofiice at 6:30pm! I guess these are the moments that I really need support from my family to understand my career life...
Will keep you posted more, especially the food that we have...
Lastly, May Allah bless my family during this ramadhan. Ramadhan kali ni very much different since Bapak kembali. Tabahkan hati kami sekeluarga. To JJ, hope he will change once and for all. Life is so short to be so 'berdendam' and 'mengungkit'. Just admit your mistakes & change your self. Don't blame others the things that you do....
As for Sarah, hope she will be ready for the PMR coming soon...
p/s: entry from my living room.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Back to HR & Hanim hospitalized
1. I am now back to GHR... looking after OD. The last 3 weeks marks my having to solat maghrib at the office. What have I got myself into??? Anyway, I get my reason for that move. I do not feel at home in IT. I did my part in having the RFP out and went thru the selection process, but I do not feel connected to the project. Susah nak jadi BPIM in an environment that don't really appreciate BPIM role. Anyway, thanks to Zam and Halim for making it bearable...
2. Apparently I came in to OD when we are in the process of group re-structuring! Crash course in Job Evaluation after 2 hours of report duty! I know it's difficult working for Pn Hasnah, but I just want to get myself involve in HR Strategy to ensure that I still can work anywhere after this. Teruk kan? Well... I need to chart my own course. Tak kan nak jadi Manager till I retire...
3. On top of all the hustle & bustle of my HR life, Hanim pulak hospitalized. Her platelet drop to 88 last Sunday. Get her admitted to SDMC. Left her alone yesterday since Rozita wants me to complete the GHR Org Structure and the deployment letters. Sampai office, Rozita was on MC. I was alone 'battling' Hasnah's request. I feel bad for not being there for Hanim. Kena pulak JJ pun ada presentation (in case you wonder what happen to the father). Guess Allah knows the best. Alhamdulillah, she can handle herself quite well. Then today, I decided to be at the hospital and be with her to meet the Dr. Lee. Maybe we can go home after this, depending on her blood result this morning.... not dengue, only a very bad viral infection. Alhamdulillah...
4. I might take the day off. Pergi sekolah Ali & register him for Standard 1 next year. Pergi facial? I really need it! We'll see cam na...
Ta-ta for now.
p/s: kalau bapak ada sure dia pagi-pagi akan call. Then he'll call every other hour. I miss him badly. Love you always, bapak.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Hanim!
Come 13th July will marks your 13th birthday. As your mother, Ibu wish all the best for you. With that I want to share this song with you...
My Wish
by Rascal Flatts
I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
and each road leads you where you want to go,
and if you're faced with a choice,
and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
and if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' 'til you find the window,
if it's cold outside,
show the world the warmth of your smile,
but more than anything,
more than anything,
My wish, for you,
is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big,
your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you,
and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
I hope you never look back,
but you never forget,
all the ones who love you,
in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive,
and you never regret,
and you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
and always give more then you take
But more than anything,
Yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you,
and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big,
your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you,
and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
this is my wish
i hope you know somebody loves you may all your dreams stay big...
Happy Birthday my baby...
Birthday Emak
Dear Emak,
Ampunkanlah dosa-dosa anak mu ini. Halalkanlah makan dan minum selama ini. Doakanlah kesejahteraan anak2 mu serta cucu2mu. Ya Allah, panjangkanlah usia Emak dan semuga kami dapat bersama-sama menjadi tetamuMu secepat mungkin. AMin.
Artist: P. Ramlee
Engkaulah ratu hatiku
Bila ku berduka
Engkau hiburkan selalu
Ibu , ibu
Engkaulah ratu hatiku
Tempat menyatakan kasih
Wahai ibu
Betapa tidak hanya engkaulah
Yang menyniari hidupku
Sepanjang masa engkau berkorban
Tidak putusnya bagai air lalu
Ibu, ibu
Engkaulah ratu hatiku
Tempatku menyerahkan kasih
Wahai ibu...
Dear Emak,
I love you always.
11/7/2009... blogging from Jalan Kebun... Thanks JJ for the broadband.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thinking of You
Listening to Katy Perry's Thinking of You really makes me think of you.
Thinking Of You
[ Katy Perry Lyrics are found on ]
Comparisons are easily done
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got the seed
You said move on
Where do I go
I guess second best
Is all I will know
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What *you* would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes
You're like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
Like a hard candy
With a surprise center
How do I get betterOnce I've had the best
You said there's
Tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test
He kissed my lips
I taste your mouth
He pulled me in
I was disgusted with myself
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into...
You're the best
And yes I do regret
How I could let myself
Let you go
Now the lesson's learned
I touched it I was burned
Oh I think you should know
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Oh won't you walk through
And bust in the door
And take me away
Oh no more mistakes
Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay...
What if I can turn back the clock? Back to 20 years ago. My life will definitely not be the same.
I wish that I can talk to him now, just to say hi! There are many things left unspoken....
But is it a good move?
Anyhow, I miss you, my friend. May Allah bless you with all the happiness that you desired. Hopefully you are one of the best husband and father to all your kids...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Breakfast Menu
1 dallop of chilli sauce
How do yo do it:
1. Beat eggs and the chilli sauce till combine. Add the black pepper
5. Take a slice of bread and spread the egg on it.
6. Put the bread-with-egg-on-it on the sandwich-maker, then place a slice of cheese.
Your sandwich will be ready in 4~5 min.
Menu 2: Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Same as Menu 1
How do you do it:
A. Make your french toast
Monday, June 22, 2009
Hari Bapa 2009--> remembering Bapak pt 1
Sedih sungguh hari bapa tahun ini. Selalunya ibu akan awal-awal pagi telefon Wan. Ucapkan terima kasih atas segala kasih-sayang yang selama ini Wan curahkan pada kita semua. Tetapi tahun ini merupakan tahun pertama kita sambut hari bapa tanpa Wan. Terasa benar kehilangan Wan dalam hidup ibu. Tiada lagi panggilan telefon pada waktu pagi terutama kejutan untuk solat subuh pada hari minggu. Semuga ruhnya ditempatkan bersama-sama dengan para mujahidin, Ameen...
Let me tell you more of my father, but let it be in English..
Bapak was born in Alor Setar Kedah on 9/10/1936 to Shafie bin Saad and Andam binti Ahmad. He was the eldest of 9 siblings. He became a teacher when he was 13 (I was told that it was a norm for boys his age to work at that time). I was also told that Bapak sat for his SPM and STPM during his 'sekolah malam' and 'gaya pos'. He was offered to further studies in University Gajah Mada way back in the '60s, but he declined. Probably because of the young children and family that he need to leave behind. But that did not stop him from excelling in his career. He was promoted to become a headmaster when he was not even in his mid-30's. He was very much passionate in Malay Literature and politics. As far as I remembered, Bapak has always been somebody active in PAS Kedah. We had our fair share of in justice just because Bapak's involvement in PAS. Alhamdulillah, rezeki kita di tangan Allah.
Bapak loved to read. He will read from his start of the day (in the toilet) till he sleeping time. I discovered books all around us when we are still small. Going to the book store with Bapak when we are growing up was one of the best moment of my life (dia ada kerja kat Pej Pelajaran di Tingkat 2, so he will leave me at the bookstore at the Ground floor. Masa tu tak ada kes-kes anak2 kena culik, alhamdulillah. Dia pernah tinggalkan kami sebab dia terlupa!)
Another habit that Bapak has (until his passed away) is writing his journal. I dare not read his journals since I could not bear to read what he wrote about his feelings towards me especially related to my difficult years and towards the latter stage.( ni nak tulis blog everyday pun tak boleh...)
Did I mentioned that he wrote to me in Jawi when I was in the States? Yes... everyweek I'll received an aerogram from Malaysia from Bapak on news related to everything from Malaysia in Jawi. How I miss his surat....
He liked my cookings especially the Asam Pedas. For him, the best gulai ikan is from Mak, but I make a mean asam pedas. He will have seconds everytime I cooked asam pedas.
I hope I make him proud, regardless the pain that put him with my marital situation. It's not that I do not want to share the pain with him, it's just that I do not want to bother him with my issues especially bila dah besar2 ni. For him, I plainly forget about him. For me, I want to spare him from my issues. I am a little bit embarrased with all the hu-ha2. I know he loved me very much that he want to be involved in everything. I guess he really loved me very much.
I need to break from this entry... my tears are rolling now...
I'll put up the 2nd part of this topic....
Friday, June 19, 2009
Pening Kepala (or is it Pusing Kepala?)
Hope for Allah forgiveness for all the deeds....
P/S: the evaluation need to take a back seat today. Tak lalu nak tengok the table...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Bising dalam Mussolah!
How to handle this kind of situation???
Birthday Dinner & Card
Thank you for the card & the potpurri. Thanks also for the dinner that we had at Delifrance Kota Kemuning. I wish the really served the French loafs like the one that I had in Paris.... but still your company topped everything else.
We had Ratatuille (argh spelling!) and their Chicken Teriyaki.
Thanks again.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Why do I feel this way?
Monday, May 18, 2009
How to avoid car theft
Sorry to hear that you lost your car. Must be very hard since you were actually at a medical center since your daughter was hospitalized when the incident happen! sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga, but alhamdulillah, no one is hurt. Maybe there is something ahead that Allah plan for you in the future (dapat kereta baru:-)) Banyak bersabar yer...
How to Avoid Car Theft:
Step 1
Park your car in an area that is well-lit and near lots of people.
Step 2
Keep the windows rolled up and the car locked, even if it's parked at your own house.
Step 3
Keep valuables in your car hidden. Consider buying a removable stereo face to keep in your trunk or carry with you.
Step 4
Consider buying a visible mechanical locking device to lock the steering wheel, and/or an auto theft alarm system.
Step 5
Install locking lug nuts to prevent your custom wheels or externally mounted spare tire from being stolen.
Step 6
Keep in mind when purchasing a new car that some makes and models have a higher incidence of theft than others.
Step 7
Keep your car registration and insurance card with you instead of in the glove compartment so that thieves cannot produce these documents if stopped by police.
Step 8
Disconnect either the battery or the coil wire from the distributor cap if you have to leave your car unattended for an extended period of time. Car thieves will often not have the time or the desire to diagnose why the car won't start.
Step 9
Take your ignition keys to a locksmith or car dealer to remove the key number, which thieves can use to have the keys duplicated (jot down the number for your records first).
Step 10
Etch the vehicle identification number (VIN) onto the doors and fenders of your car with an electric engraver for extra protection. This helps to discourage professional car thieves, who will have to remove the markings to resell the car.
Lesson 10: Asam Pedas/ Gulai Johor
1 kilo Ikan Merah
25 tangkai cili kering (gunting, rendam dan toskan) atau 1 pack kecil chili boh
7 ulas bawang merah
5 ulas bawang putih
1 inci kunyit
1 inci halia
Sebesar saiz ibu jari belacan
1 batang serai (dititik)
50gm daun kesum
Sekuntum bunga kantan (dibelah 5)
Air asam jawa (50gm asam jawa + secawan air)
3 cawan air
Garam secukup rasa
Minyak untuk menumis
2. Panaskan minyak. Tumis bahan-bahan yang dikisar bersama serai sehingga garing
3. Masukkan ikan + bunga kantan + daun kesum. Gaul sebati dan tutup kuali sehingga ikan agak mengecut
4. Masukkan air asam jawa dan gaul sebati
5. Masukkan kacang bendi
6. Masukkan pula garam. Gaul sebati
7. Tambahkan air.
9. Akhir sekali, tutup kuali dan tunggu sehingga ikan empuk serta mendapat kepekatan kuah asam pedas yang ideal.
I miss you, Bapak!

Amin, amin Ya rabbal alamin.
Monday, May 11, 2009
My Alma Mater #1
These are the main landmarks of UB... the Arch going to Long Island Sound Park and the Clock at the main road going to the library.
What Makes A Strong Leader? The Power of the 99 Names
I stumbled upon this article in one of the blogs that I frequent. I love the simplicity of the article. It is full of insights that I believe very useful to you too. One of these days, I hope you will become a leader in your area of choice, and insyaAllah you should demonstrate all these qualities.
From my experience there are not many leaders, only bosses, that constantly have all these qualities. In fact the opposites are more obvious. Maybe the inferiority feelings that one have that overule the true color of a leader. It's so frustrating that at times you feel that no one really cares, appreciate and value your capabilities.
Anyway, my doa that anak-anak ibu will not turn out to be tyrants, nauzubillah.
Love you always,
What Makes A Strong Leader? The Power of the 99 Names
By Abdul Aziz Said Mohammed Said Farsi
Chair of Islamic Peace Director of the AU Center for Global Peace.
What makes a leader?
People say they want strong leaders. But what qualities make a strong leader who is truly good and beneficial for a community?
From a traditional Islamic and Arab perspective, being a good leader meant following true guidance and developing noble traits in the self through the emulation of divine qualities.
When the divine qualities, Asma’ Allah al-Husna (the 99 Beautiful Names of God) were invoked in the name of a person, that person was often called the servant of the quality: hence the name Abd ul-Rahman (Servant of the Compassionate) and not just Rahman. A person who excelled in the service of a divine quality was a true leader of the people.
How do we begin? Contemplation of divine qualities as expressed in the Asma’ Allah al-Husna provides a template and a model for reflection both for personal training and for the effort to actualize the highest values of the community. Where these are present, the essential prerequisites emerge to inspire the confidence, support, and cooperation of a community that rewards leadership with the dynamism and unity needed to envision and achieve a collective destiny.
Leadership is Empowerment
Being a leader involves being a representative both of leadership qualities and of people. A leader models leadership qualities by speaking and acting respectfully toward everyone. To be a true statesperson, one must also be an accomplished facilitator. The leader as facilitator is a compelling example of the quality of al-Malik, the Possessor of Power or Sovereignty. Politics and leadership always involve power, but power for what purpose? A leader, in the fullest spirit of generosity (emulating al-Wahhab, the Bestower, al-Razzaq, the Provider, and al-Muqit, the Maintainer), is one who owns power in order to empower others. This power manifests al-Qadir, the All-Powerful.
Yet, what actions are connected to such power? Moral leadership is the ability to inspire or awaken (al-Khabir, the One Who is Aware) people to their innate potential. A leader provokes people to act, and act toward proper ends, that are ultimately for the good of the whole community. With the responsibility of empowerment, he or she awakens and encourages people, both men and women, to fully participate in society at all levels (social, moral, economic, and political) and to form and develop their own accounts of social reality. In doing so, a leader then becomes a witness (al-Shahid, the One who bears witness) to the societal processes through diligent observation of his/her own actions and environment (al-Raqib, the Ever-Watchful, al- Hasib, the One who takes into Account, al-Muhsi, the Accountant).
Clearly, a greater leader needs to be an effective politician (a good strategist and tactician), but this needs to be in service of moral statesmanship, not personal and momentary advantage (al-Ghani, The Rich, for he or she has no desire, and al-Mughni, One who does not need). A variety of characteristics describe such a moral stature (al-Majid, Nobility, al-Jalil, Majesty, al-Azim, Dignity or Excellence).
When wisdom for the need of the community calls on tough and forceful action, the leader must be tough and forceful (al-Aziz, Mighty, al-Jabbar, the Repairer, al-Qawi, the Strong, al-Matin, the Firm in Resolve).
Leadership requires more than the elites merely adopting a mood of optimism or generating fear of the future. Leadership requires action and intention. In order to balance the siffat al-jalaliyyah, qualities of Majesty, a leader also needs to develop siffat aljamaliyyah, the qualities of beauty.
History shows us that the loyalty inspired by leaders who demonstrate mercy and compassion are profound. Other qualities linked to rahma are al-Latif (the Gentle), al-Halim (the Clement), al-Karim (the Generous), al-Wadud (the Loving), al-Ra’uf (the Kind). Empathetic consciousness enables a good leader to forgive and spread the habit of forgiveness to others (al-Ghaffar, the Forgiver, al-Ghafur, the All-Forgiving, al-‘Afu, the Pardoner).
Guardian of the Public Interest
A greater leader becomes a guardian of the public’s interests (al-Mumin, the Guardian of Faith). He or she protects (al-Muhaymin, the Protector, and al-Wakil, the Solver of Problems, and al-Hafez, the Preserver). As spokesperson, he or she embodies visionary leadership and seeks to represent all of the people. The subtle relationship between power and influence, between executive image and agenda setting is constant and dynamic.
To effectively lead, it is a necessity that a leader inspires mutual trust, and this requires the ability to be a good communicator: the leader’s view must be all encompassing (al-Wasi, the All-Embracing, and al-Basit, the Expander). This means that leaders must be very good listeners (al-Sami’, the All-Hearing) and fine observers (al-Basir, the All-Seeing). To hold vision is to be a mapmaker: to see that all of the old maps are out of date, and that we do not yet have new, good and reliable maps. In order to invent our own maps, with all the skills that doing so accurately and compassionately require, leaders need both humility and dignity (which may be linked to al-Shakur, the Thankful, and al-Hamid, the Praiseworthy).
Leadership demands vision. Why vision? Vision avoids drift and selfcenteredness, it mobilizes the energy and imagination of the people, and it widens and deepens the sense of mutual responsibility while articulating what is possible and demanding discipline, sacrifice, and the capacity to dream.
Leaders need vision that has faith (al-Mu’min, the Faithful) and wisdom (al-Alim, the All-Knowing). Like power, leaders do not need wisdom for themselves alone, for they possess the courage and strength to be able to share it. One cannot be an effective representative without finding and facilitating creative ways to prioritize and balance all the interests of the people and groups in a fair and inclusive way on the basis of wisdom (al-Hakim, the All-Wise), which is both principled and practical, far seeing and yet focused on meeting the issues of the moment in a fair (and just) and balanced (in al-Hakam, the Judge, wisdom is connected to the sense of having good judgment). A successful nation needs a broad public dialogue, with a great variety of suggestions and opinions, and not only consultation. “Justice” (al-‘Adl) itself is a dynamic and not merely static or purely legal concept. Justice is embodied in the “rolling consensus” of people for more democracy, more equality, more opportunity, and pride in one’s community and tradition, above all perhaps – for more of a sense of community.
From Leadership By Force To Leadership By Consensus and Cooperation
Building a system of good governance must begin with good leadership – from the outset this means that the character and education of leadership is crucial.
Through working such qualities as al-Hadi, the Guide, al-Rashid, the Guide to the Right Path, and al-Warith, the Inheritor, a greater leader seeks to fulfill the sacred trust to inspire and empower the whole community. This trust is essential for health, vibrancy and the long-term sustainability of an untied and prospering community.
True leaders are consensus builders (al-Muqaddim, the Expediter). They work to build mutual trust and agreement on principles of fairness among their people, as a basis for cooperative efforts in which all have some expectation of shared benefit (al-Barr, the Source of All Goodness). Since no one party can force any of the others to cooperate, and since each one has a selfish temptation not to cooperate, each must trust the others not to take advantage of both the opportunity and the temptation to cheat.
Cooperation requires, then, mutual expectation of a willingness to sacrifice short-term self-interests for the common good (al-Jame’, the Gatherer).
While having shared objectives that benefit all is a necessary precondition for cooperation, it is not sufficient. There is a crucial role for leadership at each stage in the confidence-building and community-building process (al-Salaam, The Source of Peace): forming common goals, establishing mechanisms for cooperation, ensuring that efforts will be coordinated, determining the fair allocation of benefits and burdens, and identifying the roles and responsibilities of the various actors in the cooperative enterprise. Leadership is needed to promote solidarity without which the highest values of the community do not manifest and underlying norms of fairness and reciprocity cannot be effective. When cooperation is achieved, however, a greater leader will be known as a good friend (al-Wali, the Protecting Friend).
A greater leader who embodies the qualities represented by the Asma’ Allah al- Husna is a democratic leader, in the true sense of democracy as a form of collaborative and participatory communal governance. Just as positive character cannot be imposed but must rather be consciously cultivated, so it is with democracy.
Democracy cannot be successfully implanted from the outside. It is an indigenous and delicate flower that only flourishes when deeply rooted in the dreams and hopes of the great majority of a nation.
Democratic behavior is a learned behavior, and democracy is only learned by practice.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Tazkirah for the Parents: Kelebihan Memiliki Anak Perempuan
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Lesson 9: Making curries
This is my first entry this week. Apologize for not keeping up with the promise. My schedule is so tight, plus my sinus is giving me problem again. I have been down with flu and fever for the last 2 months. Maybe high time for me to start re-look back at the way I am handling my everyday tasks.
Anyway, today let's get busy with curries recipes.
My earliest memory of making/learning to cook curry was when I was 12, Dec. school holiday. Atok at last asked me to prepare all the ingredients that needed for making fish curry by myself. Masa tu dah tak payah giling rempah dah since we had rempah cap tarbus (then switch to cap 'O'). Then she asked me to start tumis the curry by myself! I just followed her voice instructions and walla.... my very own cooked curry... of course Wan can distinguished that the curry was not Atok's air tangan, but he was up to it. The conclusion that I made was that it was not that difficult to make curry (maybe since I did not have to endure using the batu giling).I guess I cooked curries all my life, when I was at home(during my single years) and when I was overseas. Then when I married Abah pun he is one avid lover of curries.
So, let's share the recipes. Hanim dah pernah tengok ibu buat kari kan. Tak susah kan? Gunalah the resipi as guidelines. Lagipun, nowadays the packaging will come with the instructions to cook. The sky is the limit when it comes to improvise it to suits your taste!
Kari Ikan Kedah
Preparation and cooking time : 30 min
Serve 6 to 8
Per person : 24 g fat, 341 kcal (1426 kilojoules)
½ cup cooking oil
6 shallots, coarsely pounded
3 cloves garlic, coarsely pounded
3 sprigs curry leaves
1 tbsp mixed spices
3 tbsps curry powder
00 ml coconut milk, thin(you can omit this altogether and still taste great)
1 kg fish meat, cleaned
6 lady's fingers (okra), cut into halves
1 long brinjal (eggplant), cut into 2 cm pieces
2 tomatoes, cut ito 4 pieces
2 tbsps tamarind juice, thick
1 Ikan Bilis Stock Cube (Maggi ®)
Salt to taste
1. In a saucepan, heat oil and stir fry ingredients A until aromatic.
2. Stir in curry powder and fry until fragrant(pecah minyak).
3. If you use coconut milk, Stir it in and bring to boil. If not, simply add water and bring it to boil.
4. Add fish meat, lady's finers, brinjal,and simmer for 10 minutes.
5. Stir in tamarinf juice, Ikan bilis stock cube and salt to taste.
6. Cook over slow heat until gravy slightly thickens.
The next recipe is very much Indian influenced.
Kari Ikan Ala India
1 ekor ikan tenggiri (anggaran 700g)
2 biji terung biru
8 - 10 batang kadang bendi
2 biji tomato
1/2 cawan pati santan
2 keping asam gelugor
2 camca besar rempah kari ikan "Babas"
Garam dan gula secukup rasa
Air secukupnya
Bahan-bahan dikisar halus:-
7 ulas bawang kecil merah
3 ulas bawang putih
2 inci halia1
inci kunyit hidup
1 hirisan nipis lengkuas
1 cm belacan
4 tangkai cili merah
Bahan-bahan tumis:-
3 ulas bawang merah, dihiris halus
1 ulas bawang putih, dihirts halus
2 tangkai daun kari
1 camca teh halba campur (terdiri daripada halba, biji sawi dan jintan kasar)
Cara membuatnya:-
1- Terung dipotong dua dan dibelah 2, belah setiap bahagian tapi jgn putus, rendam dgn air garam 5 minit. Toskan. Cuci bendi dan buang hujung dan pangkalnya sedikit, cuci dan toskan. Goreng kedua2 jenis sayur dalam minyak panas selama 20 saat. Angkat, toskan minyak dan ketepikan.
2- Panaskan kurang lebih 1/2 cawan minyak dalam periuk, tumis bahan2 tumis hingga wangi. Masukkan bahan2 kisar dan rempah kari, kacau goreng hingga wangi dan terbit minyak. Gunakan api sederhana.
3- Tuang air secukupnya (anggaran 500ml), masukkan garam dan sedikit gula. Biarkan mendidih. Masukkan ikan dan asam gelugor. Biar mendidih perlahan dan tuangkan santan pekat tadi sambil dikacau perlahan. Akhir sekali masukkan tomato, bendi dan terung yang telah digoreng tadi. Biar mendidih sekejap dan boleh dihidangkan.
Ibu will share other types of curry since to cook meat and chicken curry there is a slight difference in managing the spice.
That will come next....
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
How do you know you marry the right person?
During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question. She said, 'How do I know if I married the right person?' I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, 'It depends. Is that your husband?' In all seriousness, she answered 'How do you know?'
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tazkirah Remaja #1:Waktu mustajab berdoa

- Waktu sepertiga malam, iaitu waktu terakhir, ketika orang lain nyenyak tidur. Allah s.w.t berfirman, maksudnya: “Mereka (para muttaqin) sedikit sekali tidur di waktu malam dan di akhir malam, mereka memohon ampun (kepada Allah).” (Adz-Dzariyat: 18-19)Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: “Rabb (Tuhan) kita turun di setiap malam ke langit terendah, iaitu ketika sepertiga malam terakhir, lalu Dia berfirman: Siapa yang berdoa kepada-Ku, Aku kabulkan. Siapa yang meminta kepada-Ku, Aku berikan kepadanya dan siapa yang meminta ampun kepada-Ku, Aku ampunkan untuknya.” (Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Lesson 8: Lasagna

Instant Lasagna with Meat Sauce
Serves 5
· 250g San Remo Instant Lasagna
· Meat Sauce
· 2 tablespoon vegetable oil
· 60g chicken-ham, finely chopped (optional)
· 1 can of Tomato Pueree & Veggies (carrot, celery etc)
· 1 clove garlic, crushed
· 500g beef mince
· 5 tablespoons tomato paste
· 375ml water
· 1 chicken stock cube
· salt, pepper and pinch of nutmeg
· Cheese Sauce
· 2 tablespoons butter
· 2 tablespoons plain flour
· 500ml milk
· salt, pepper
· 125g mozzarella cheese (cubed or grated)
Meat Sauce
Heat oil in a medium saucepan, add chicken ham and cook gently for 3 minutes. Add onion,
can tomato with veggies and garlic. Cook, stirring, until onion is soft. Add mince and cook stirring,
until brown.
Stir in tomato paste and water into which stock cube has been dissolved. Season
with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Cover and simmer gently for 20 minutes, stirring
Cheese Sauce
Melt butter in medium saucepan, stir in flour and cook for 2 minutes over gentle heat.
Remove from heat and gradually stir in milk. Return to heat and stir until thick and
Season with salt and pepper, add mozzarella and stir over low heat until cheese melts.
Preheat oven to 180ºC.
Pour 125ml meat sauce into base of lightly greased baking dish. Alternate layers of
lasagna, meat and cheese sauces, ending with cheese sauce layer. Sprinkle top with
grated parmesan cheese if desired.
Bake in oven for 35 - 40 minutes. (Test by pricking with fork) Let stand 5 - 10 minutes
before serving.
* If you are too busy, you can straightly use the spaghetting sauce to make your meat sauce.
The result is simply delicious.
Lesson 7: Cinnamon Rolls

1/4 cup Butter, room Temperature
3 1/4 cups Multi Purpose Flour
1/2 tsp yeast (Mauripan)
1/4 cup fine sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup water
1 Egg
*1 cup Brown Sugar
*1 tsp Cinnamon Powder
*1/4 cup Butter, room temperature
*1/2 cup Raisin (optional)
1. Simmer Fresh Milk, add butter and Salt. Stir and let it cool.
2. In big mixing bowl, add 21/4 cups of Flour, Yeast,Sugar and Salt. Then stir.
3. Add water,egg & milk mixture, beat it. Then add in the remaining flour, 1/2 cup by 1/2 cup then beat it well.
4. Roll it to dough, dash in some flour below and on top of the dough all around. Knead for 5 minutes till the dough texture is smooth. Dash some flour if it still soft and sticky ( in a bowl).
5. Close the bowl with damp cloth for 10 minutes. In the mean time mix all * ingredients tarely.
6. Flatten the dough to square shape, approx 12″ x 9 “. Spread with cinnamon powder and raisin.
7. Roll the dough,Pinch edges and ends together well to seal.
8. Using sharp serrated knife, slice dough into 12 slices and place side by side in a baking pan (leave space between the rolls as they will rise)
9. Allow to double in size in warm place for 30 minutes. Keep cover with damp towel so they won’t dry out.
10. Preheat oven to 325°F / 190 °C and bake for 20 - 30 minutes or until rolls are lightly golden. Serve them warm.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tinggal Kenangan: Part 3: 29/9/2008 Birthday Abang yg ke 9
Here are the photos that Ibu managed to capture the night that we celebrated Abang's 9th birthday during the last Hari Raya break. Allahyarham Wan insisted that I used his money to buy you the cake. Anyway, lepas berbuka we put on the candles and start the cake cutting ceremony.
Tinggal Kenangan: Part 2

Monday, April 13, 2009
Alfatihah: Kembalinya Bapak ke Rahmatullah
My dear children,
7/4/2009 will always be remembered.
Your Wan, my Bapak was called to meet his Creator at 10:30pm. We just came back from visiting him the last week-end and Ibu was discussing plan with Pak Teh and Pak Ngah of travelling back with them.
Alhamdulillah, jenazah allahyarham Wan selamat kita sempurnakan sebelum zuhur 8/4/2009 di tanah perkuburan masjid Penghulu Him SP. That was his wish... cepat-cepatkan pengkebumian dia.
He has been suffering for the last 2 years, bed-ridden for the last 6 months. My mum, your Atok was his constant companion. My brother yg no 7 (Pak Wan) and my sister yg no 8 (Tati)are at home with them. Yang lain (we are 9 in the family, and I'm the eldest) semuanya kerja and my youngest brother kat GMI, Bangi, still studying. He lost much of his weight, yg tinggal cuma isi dan tulang saja. We were back and forth the last couple of months, tak boleh nak concentrate kat work sesangat...
Ramai rakan2, sanak-saudara my father especially those yg berjuang with him. YB Ust Azizan and YB Mahfuz Omar ada juga bertandang menziarah jenazah pada sebelah malam selepas keputusan pilihanraya Bk Selambau diumumkan.
Anyway, thanks for all the takziah greeting that we received thru the SMS.
I really missed my chat with my dad. Sumuga Allah tempatkan Bapak dengan para2 mujahidin, Amin.
Al-fatihah: In loving memory Ali bin Shafie ( 9/10/1939 ~ 7/4/2009)
P/S: The photo above was taken during 2007 Raya with me and my children. Bapak dah mula sakit-sakit.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Doa Mohon Dihilangkan Rasa Berdebar-debar

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Lesson 6: Apple Crumble(#1 comfort food!)

Apple Crumble is the dish that you will ask (especially Sarah) when you're craving for something to munch while watching TV. Ibu stumbled upon the recipe from the newspaper and after reading the instructions, it did not sseems like 'rocket science' to make it at home.
So if you've got a pile of apples but not enough time to bake a pie, or if you're short on flour, sugar, or fat (like butter ), then this is the recipe for you, even if you have never tried cooking it before! An apple crumble will take less time and ingredients to prepare than an apple pie, but it's just as delicious and comforting.
Serves: 4
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 60 minutes
Oven Temperature: 150°C or 300°F
· 6 cooking apples
· 250g (9 oz or 2 cups + 1 tsp) white sugar
· 200g (7 oz or 1.5 cup) plain white flour
· 150g (5.5 oz or 5 Tbsp) butter
· 1 clove or cinnamon stick
· Cream or vanilla ice cream
1. Peel the apples. Peel and core the apples and roughly dice them into chunks.
2. Cook the apples. Put the apple chunks into a pan; add three quarters of the sugar and the cinnamon stick or clove; and cover with the lid.
3. Stew the apples. Allow to stew gently for half an hour, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Keep checking as they can easily burn at the beginning.
4. Check the apples. Check that the fruit is cooked by mashing it a bit with the wooden spoon. The apples should be soft but not puréed.
5. Allow to cool. Put the apples into the serving dish and allow them to cool.
6. Make the crumble topping. Mix the white flour, remaining sugar and the butter with your fingers in a bowl until it takes on a breadcrumb consistency.
7. Preheat the oven. Set the temperature of the oven to 150ºC (300ºF/ gas mark 2).
8. Add the crumble topping. Cover the stewed apples with the crumble topping, without pressing down.
9. Cook the apple crumble. Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until the crumble is golden brown and crunchy.
10.Serve. Spoon a helping of apple crumble into a dish and serve with cream or ice cream.
I'll post the photo one of these days...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Lesson 5: Ayat2 Al-Quran to Fight Cancer